Monday, August 22, 2011

Brad Pitt SELLING His Malibu Home

 SELLER: Brad Pitt
PRICE: $13,750,000
SIZE: 4,088 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathroooms

In March 2005, about the time Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston called off their short marriage and he hooked up with earth-momma/actress Angelina Jolie, superstar Brad Pitt shelled out a very a-list $8,410,000 for a very contemporary and glassy ocean front bachelor pad perched on 1.26 bluff top acres on the rugged but extremely swank Encinal Bluffs area in Malibu, CA.

The well-known architecture buff spent years and millions transforming the 1962 mid-century home into a designer show pad that became Ground Zero for the then still budding affair between Mister Pitt and his current long-time lady-made and baby momma Angelina Jolie.

Starting in 2009 rumors began to swirl and make their way around the celebrity real estate merry-go-round about Mister Pitt–and by extension Miz Jolie–wanting to sell the ocean front estate. As far as Your Mama knows–and we really don't know a damn thing–we were the first property gossip to discuss the rumors back in early February 2009 when we heard from Our Lady in Malibu that Mister Pitt had quietly floated the property on the (pocket listing) market with an asking price of $18,000,000, which never sold, so now he has it re-listed for a more reasonable deal....if you can afford it.


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