Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Alicia, Jen And Demi Are Divine Denim Divas For Glamour Magazine


Alicia Keys, Jennifer Aniston and Demi Moore who directed short films for Lifetime's Five, are gracing the cover of September's Glamour magazine.

Lifetime's Five is comprised of five short films about breast cancer directed by five different directors.

When asked about her involvement, Ms. Aniston tells the mag:
    “We were intrigued by the challenge of creating short stories that would defy audiences’ expectation of the subject. We wanted to balance the drama with humor and irreverence because that’s what’s helped our friends who’ve faced this get through their treatment."
The Friends star, who is dating Justin Theroux, also address the tabloids:
    “There’s not nearly as much stealing and obsessing and middle-of-the-night secret calls to ex-boyfriends and scheming and cheating [as they lead you to believe]. Most of it’s just bulls—, however entertaining.”
Great to know these ladies have a sense of humor....

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